Help us show we’re a Scotland that cares.
We all need to be cared for at some point in our lives – as children, when we’re older, or due to additional support needs. In fact, care is crucial to every part of our society and the economy that serves it.
Our collective wellbeing depends on care.
Find out more about the campaign, read our handy explainer here.
Right now, those who provide care are often under-valued and under-rewarded.
Too many carers face deep personal and financial costs, including poverty. The Covid-19 pandemic has made this injustice worse, with women – who provide the majority of care – affected most. The cost of living crisis – with rising energy, food and fuel bills – is only creating yet more pressures.
A range of actions have been taken, or are planned, in Scotland, with the potential to create positive change. But progress remains too slow and too shallow.
Those who rely on or provide care are paying the price.
Make yourself heard for care
What we're calling for
Scotland must commit to fully valuing and investing in care and all those who provide it – whether paid or unpaid.
Right now, the Scottish Government has 11 National Outcomes, which it says describe the kind of Scotland it aims to create. Yet within these, care is almost invisible. That can’t be right – and it needs to change.
We want the Scottish Government to create a dedicated National Outcome on Care, and then ensure it drives the new action that’s needed to fully value and invest in care right across Scotland. We want every MSP to back this.
Why now?
For the first time in five years, the Scottish Government are reviewing their National Outcomes.
By creating a National Outcome on Care, it can show it is serious about valuing and investing in care, now and in the future. Crucially, it will also mean that we will know what progress we are making.
How you can help
We believe the Scottish Government, and every party represented in the Scottish Parliament, needs to hear why this is so important – especially from those who experience care and those who provide it.
Will you add your voice to this call? Take action today by using our letter template to tell Scottish party leaders why you value care and carers, and why they should too. Together we can show that Scotland cares about care.
Want to know more?
Read our briefing: Invaluable, But Invisible: Why Scotland needs a new National Outcome on Care.
For further background information, read our campaign briefing and our Scottish Parliament Briefing, both from 2022.
Finally, you can read the blueprint for our proposed National Outcome on Care, which was created in collaboration with academics at the University of the West of Scotland as part of the UWS-Oxfam Partnership.
Access our Easy Read documents
Find out more about the campaign in our Easy Read documents here (Word) and here (PDF).
Led by
A unique collaboration of organisations has come together to create and lead this campaign, supported by research carried out by academics at the University of the West of Scotland through the UWS-Oxfam Partnership.
Supported by
If you would like to know more about the campaign, or you represent an organisation who would like to join, you can also contact us at